They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, or break a bad habit. We've been told this for the past couple of decades, but recently scientific research has shown that it actually takes 66 days to stick to a new routine. Makes sense, right?

With that in mind, we asked a few of our trainers what they're looking to change in their own daily habits in 2016:

Jessi Phia

Get outside more to workout, walk. When I had my surgeries all I could do was walk and it reminded me of how much I love nature. Also make peace of mind top priority , don't sweat the small stuff. This year is going to be dedicated to getting back into my pre-surgery body! Modify exercises when I'm rehabbing my body. It's still a process and I have to remember not to be hard on myself and be proud of how far I've come in which a short time.

Albina Katsman

Work smarter, not harder. I want my hard work to produce results within my body, health, career and mind.

Erika Rae DeFrates

Do something different every weekend! I realized I do a lot of the same things over and over and I want to try to go out and try new things in 2016.

Dana Goodman

Drink A LOT more water to stay hydrated. Cleanse my body and get back to my post baby bod! 

Casey Palazzo

Walk more! I'm from NYC and we walk everywhere all day long. Not only is it go for the environment (let's think green LA) it's the best low impact work out and it doesn't feel like a work out! I'm gonna try to walk an extra  45 mins a day to help get back to my roots. 

Olivia Chaniewski

Put things away as soon as I am done using them (this includes dishes)! Make time for some sort of physical exercise every day, even if it's only for 20 minutes. Shift my focus to what I have and can accomplish as opposed to dwelling on imperfections or what I feel is lacking. Also to take courses in nutrition and healthy living!

Melissa Kusack

To smile more, radiate with positive energy and to empower others!

Lindsay Hallam

I would like to focus more on gratitude. There is always something to be grateful for even in the most dreary of moments and for me, 2016 will be the start of indefinitely finding the good with expressing gratitude.YUMI SUGAI


To smile more, radiate with positive energy and to empower others

What new habits are you looking to form in the new year? We'd love to know! Share with us over on Instagram @thestudiomdr with hashtag #lookitfeelitliveit®