It's been about two years since your transformer story - what have you changed in your routine to stay healthy? 

I am an (MDR) junkie! It’s hard to believe that my transformation story was 2 years ago. Since then, I have continued to lose pounds and have surpassed my goal weight. It has never really been about the weight loss though.  For me it was a lifestyle change. I now train by doing (MDR), running or yoga daily.

Have you changed your diet at all? What are some of your go to snacks/meals?

I pretty much cut out all processed foods and try to stick with a balanced meal of protein, fruits and vegetables. I started working with a nutritionist to get my diet in check.  It turns out I wasn’t eating enough!  I learned that I need to fuel my body to keep up with all of my training. My favorite pre-workout meal is protein powder, almond butter, banana with a scoop of Beet Elite and Dr. Schulze’s Super Food. 

How has your transformation affected other aspects of your life? 

One of the biggest changes has been falling in love with running.  This is something that I never thought would happen. I ran my first 5K in July and decided to start training for the LA Marathon on Feb 14th.  I have been training with a Marathon group every Saturday. I know that if it wasn’t for the endurance training I learned at The Studio, I would have never even considered doing this. Training at The Studio (MDR) has proven to myself that I can push through anything.  I also wanted to be sure I go about it in the right way. You have to put in the work in order to make it to the finish line and if I make it to Marathon day, then I have met my goal! 

Also, my daughter loves any excuse to come to The Studio (MDR). She was only 2 when I first started so she has grown up with it. I am glad that I am showing her a healthy path. She likes to pretend she’s holding plank and pretends to be the instructor and shows me new moves!