Joanne After giving birth to her third baby, this busy mom had a tough time losing weight and getting back into her pre-pregnancy workout routine. Now, she’s down 18 pounds and up immeasurably in confidence and happiness. Here’s her story.

* All of our transformers will now receive an amazing package of products from Previnex, one of The Studio (MDR)’s partners. To check out the line (and score a discount when you order!) click here

What was it like walking in to The Studio (MDR) for the first time?

My first thought when I walked in was, "OMG, this place is so pretty!" And I remember taking class with Stephanie, who is a teacher now! When I look back, the first two things that come to mind are the bright pink ceiling with the beautiful ambience and Stephanie making me feel so welcome.

Be honest: How tough was that first class?

My first class was an “All Levels” with Dana. I got to The Studio (MDR) in the final few minutes of the class before mine, and as I watched some of the moves, I thought, “OK, that seems manageable—doesn't look too hard." Dana gave me a crash course on the Megaformer, which was alot of info at the time, but I figured I'd be fine because she assured me I would be. Then the class started and it was so hard! The others in the last class (who were drenched in sweat within a minute, by the way) made it look so easy, and there I was, struggling through every single move. Dana helped me so much through the class, and I’ll never forget how shakey I was all over. My legs were crushed, and I was sore for a week. I knew I had landed on a body-changing workout and couldn’t wait to go back for more.

What was your starting point?

I have three daughters; my youngest is 2 and after that last pregnancy, I lost track of all physical activity. I used to be active, going to a gym and doing at-home workouts, but somehow I got "busy" and my gym routine took a back seat. Most the weight I gained during my last pregnancy stayed with me, and I was unhappy and insecure with myself. It saddened me that I couldn't fit the clothes I had in my closet, and I was also tired all the time. So, I made time in to go back to the gym, but it wasn't enough. I knew I needed more. I researched “the best workouts in LA” and that's how I found The Studio (MDR). When I first started taking classes, I was a size 10/12.

In the beginning, I was discouraged because I didn't see a big change right away, but Lindsay really helped me alot, urging me to trust the process. Lindsay was a constant source of motivation; she encouraged me to be patient in my training. And sure enough, like Lindsay promised, I started to feel a difference in my clothes. I stopped weighing myself and started thinking of my (MDR) classes as the most rewarding 50 minutes of "me-time."

Did you have any setbacks along your path of transformation? Any times where you got off-track, or wanted to give up?

I created my own setback once—by overtraining. I was too hard on myself and felt I needed to take a class at (MDR) everyday if I could. Then, one day after I finished a class, I felt an extreme discomfort in my shoulder. It may have been a strained muscle. I had no choice but to rest and I couldn't go to classes for a week. I think I needed that eye-opener to embrace the importance of the "rest-days" with this method.

There were also many times when I found myself wanting to give up, but I remind myself that I've come this far—so I need to follow through. I used to be intimidated whenever I walked into a class because the others working out next to me seemed so much stronger, fitter, and better at each move. Now, I’m not discouraged by that and instead, I use it as my motivation to help push me through.


How far have you come?

In the 7 months I have been taking classes at (MDR), I can say with confidence that I have come a long way—not only physically, but also emotionally and mentally. When I first started, I couldn’t hold plank for even 15 seconds. Each class, I held it a little longer, and a little longer, and when the plank challenge in the beginning of this year happened, I held for almost 4 minutes on my elbows.

I've lost 18 pounds to date and dropped two dress sizes. I didn't realize how much I transformed on the outside until I saw a picture of myself from March 2014. More importantly, I’ve transformed on the inside as well. I'm just happier. I've never felt so good about myself or so comfortable in my own skin.

Now that you’ve come so far, where are you looking toward going from here?

After 7 months at The Studio (MDR), I can honestly say I've found a new me—a better me. I realize now that I'm a constant work in progress, so I have many goals when it comes to my (MDR) sessions. But my one biggest goal is to finish a class with a seamless transition in sequences, without stopping or modifying. I have my work cut out for me because I'm still constantly trying to master alot of the moves and do it in perfect form. But with the guidance and patience everyone here continuously shows me, I know I will get there.