BEATA CZECHOWSKI I moved to LA about 6 years ago, work in the music industry, have a little dog that is the center of my universe, and an obsession w/ heath and nutrition. I spend a good amount of time looking for the best workouts (The Studio MDR), food choices, supplements, or things for my mental health. I also LOVE food and enjoy finding fun new restaurants or recipes and trying different types of cuisine. For fun I run about ten ½ marathons every year.

I figured I would share one of my diet staples - Over the last year I’ve added a daily protein shake (Whey) after I exercise. Since, I’ve actually noticed more energy and I feel I’ve gotten stronger and recover faster. The CDC recommends that the average person gets 46-56 grams of protein a day. For people that do resistance training this number actually increases depending on the type and intensity of your exercise program. Getting 56+ grams of protein from just a food source can be a little difficult – so adding in a shake w/ 26 grams might be a good option. Don’t worry you wont bulk up, which is what most people believe. Below I've listed some of the benefits and the 4 main sources/types of protein. Of course whenever you add a supplement to your diet you should always check w/ your doctor.

Besides being easily absorbed and digested, protein powder provides these benefits:

  • Helps the body to recover from intense workouts;
  • When used before exercise, provides the body with energy to power through a workout ;
  • Helps maintain lean body mass;
  • Boosts immunity
  • Helps stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • Increases energy;
  • May aid weight loss

And here's some info about the different types:

Whey Protein found in milk, fast absorbing and easy to digest, good supplement after intense workouts and is also a “complete protein”. Assuming you have no dairy allergies or intolerances, whey doesn't seem to have any side effect. (more info)

Casein Main protein in milk, slow absorbing, in your body longer, great as a meal replacement. To take advantage of casein proteins effectively, you need to use them at the optimal times of day. Casein protein is the best and only protein to take before going to sleep. Since casein breaks down steadily over time, it will continue to allow the body to absorb muscle-sparing protein throughout the night. (more info)

Brown Rice It provides a convenient source of protein nutrients for vegetarians and others who follow restricted diets. Since brown rice protein powder is considered hypo-allergenic, it may also make an excellent choice for individuals with dairy, soy and/or gluten allergies. (more info)

Soy Packed with fiber and antioxidants, soybeans are also a rich source of protein. Soy provides a wealth of health benefits, from reducing the risk of COPD, to preventing colon cancer. However, controversy has also surrounded the use of soy, since it's also been associated with autoimmune thyroid disease and lower sperm concentration. Soy is a plant based source, is as digestible as other sources of protein, and known for antioxidant capabilities *However, isolated soy protein may also contain isoflavone, a substance known as a phytoestrogen, which can affect hormone levels. (more info)

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