(1) 6:00 am. Sometimes I am lucky enough to jump into a class. I have to admit, I pray for no shows 3 times a week so I can practice what I preach and keep in shape!  We don't pay for advertising...we are THE advertising!

(2) After a crazy morning of packed classes, returning emails and phone calls, etc. I run back home to walk the pups! It is only 10:30am...the day is off to a great start.

(3) 11:00 am. I rush back to the studio for a television taping.

(4) 1:30 pm. This "girl on the go" has a late lunch meeting at Zinque on Abbot Kinney...Tuna TarTare...YUM!

(5) 3:00 pm. Time to take quick inventory before classes start up again. Our tanks and towels have been flying out the door!

(6) 7:15pm. The day is far from done. Now it's time for a catch up session with one of my good friends (and she is a client of The Studio as well!) at Oscars in Venice. It's a busy life but someone has to look it+feel it+live it.